Open Gymnastics Opportunities
Preschool (5 and under)
Tuesday & Wednesday: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
$5 per family (last week is May 13/14)
Open Gym (6 and older)*
Saturday: 1:30 pm- 3:30 pm
$10 per person
*6 & 7 year old students must have an adult present during open gym
We are CASHLESS, please register online.
Max of 20 gymnasts permitted (No Open gym on 4/19 and 5/03, last day is 5/17)
Classes and Open Gym will follow the APS weather related closure and cancellations policy.
Registration Dates:
Spring Session (March-May):
Feb. 18th @ 9:00 am ONLINE
Classes will begin
the week of March 3rd.
No classes on the following dates:
3/13, 3/14, 4/19 & 4/21
Contact Nichole Boyden
320-762-3310 Ext: 4238